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The Melbourne PC User Group

Members helping Members since 1984
Help build a CNC machine
The club has a team of enthusiastic people meeting regularly to collaborate on building a comprehensive CNC Router to support a wide range of creativity and innovation. Members and visitors are welcome to come along and help continue the progress already made.
Learn from our Interest Groups
Are you perplexed by Windows, Linux or Android ? Want to trace your family history online or edit your home movies ?
Join one or more our Interest Groups (SIGs) dedicated to all manner of computing topics. You’ll meet like minded people and learn and explore with them.
Get free computer help
Be Connected - Club volunteers can help drop in visitors with learning about or fixing issues with your phone, tablet or computer.
iHelp is the volunteer group that provides a service to members who are having problems with their technology.
For makers and creators
We are all about exploring technology together. Figuring out how things works often involves pulling something apart to see if we can make it into a new creation. Along the way we share skills with others and learn more about the tech.

"Mobile phones, tablets, PCs, single board computers, micro electronics. It's all learning fun to us."
iHelp & Be Connected
iHelp is the volunteer run SIG which provides a service to members who are having problems with their computers and/or their internet connection. Click or tap here for full details.
Be Connected
Club volunteers can help you and members of the public learn about or fix issues with your phone, tablet or computer. See details here.
Monthly Meetings
Members gather once a month at our Moorabbin Clubrooms for our Monthly Meeting to hear interesting speakers and socialise with other members. You can also join in online. Details of the next Monthly Meeting are here
Clubrooms and facilities
Members are welcome to “drop in” to our clubrooms in Moorabbin and use the facilities. Tips on getting to our clubrooms can be found here
We have a Maker Space, social chat spaces and a well-equipped workshop with CNC and some machines to excite your creative urges.
PC Update Back Issues
Members can download back Issues of PC Update, the MelbPC magazine/newsletter, here
Chatting & Mailing
Your Melb PC Gmail account and an introductory video can be accessed here
Our Discourse forum is where members can participate in focussed discussions about the clubs’ organisation and procedures. You can log in here
Spaces is our private online forum where members can exchange ideas and ask for help with their computer, smartphone and tablet problems. You can log in here