SIG Home Page

What is a SIG ?
A SIG (Special Interest Group) is simply a group of members who attend regular meetings to discuss and explore various aspects of computing and computer related activities. SIG meetings are typically held monthly at particular venues and/or online.
Some SIGs have a general interest in a wide range of topics while others have an in depth interest in a particular topic. As a member of Melb PC you can regularly attend any number of SIGs. It is generally expected that you will show your membership card when you attend in person SIG meetings.
You can register online before a particular meeting. Visitors are most welcome to join in.
We have many SIGs - for more details click on the individual SIG Name in the list below ..
Updating Members SIG contacts.
Members can login to this website to manage contacts with the SIGs. This is done by subscribing and/or unsubscribing to individual SIG mailing lists. When you successfully log in using your MelbPC account credentials, you will see .the Member Dashboard.
Click on the Subscribed SIGs tab and then on the Manage SIG Subscriptions link to update your SIG mailing list preferences.
For more SIG information, you can click on SIG name in the list shown below for details and a link to the SIG homepage.
Non-Members Welcome!
Non-Members - you are most welcome to Register as a Visitor to the club to receive Group reminder emails by then Subscribing to your choice of SIGs. Click on the SIG name to see a description of the SIG.
To receive notification of SIG meetings, all you have to do is enter your email address in the form below – if already Registered, you’ll receive an email. If registering for the first time, we’ll just need a few more details.
A List of Currently Active SIGs
Essendon SIG
Microcontroller Workshop SIG
Northern Suburbs Linux SIG
Video Production - Pinnacle SIG
Waffle SIG
Communications SIG
Genealogy East SIG
NE & Android SIG
Raspberry PI Moorabbin SIG
Video Production - Sony SIG
East SIG
Microcontroller SIG
North East Genealogy SIG
Sunbury Daytime SIG
Wadham House SIG
Website Design SIG