PC Update 2023

ChatGTP As a Programmer ?

David Stonier-Gibson Does ChatGPT have any use in computer programming? I took it for a spin. I saw something online about a fellow who used ChatGPT to write a WordPress plugin for his wife. Well, I barely know what WordPress… Continue Reading…

PC Update 2023

Digital Transducers: What ?

Phil Sorrentino, Contributing Writer, The Computer Club, FL Computer Input Devices are transducers. They convert the user’s physical actions into commands that the computer can understand and use. Technically speaking, a transducer is a device that converts one form of… Continue Reading…

PC Update 2023

All Melbourne PC User Group Members now have Google Workspace – So What?

Greg Eden, grege@melbpc.org.au The transition is complete. Our email is working. Our johnsmith@melbpc.org.au accounts are functioning in Outlook or Thunderbird. All is well, thank you – the end. But that is not the end, that is just the start. This article is a gentle… Continue Reading…