iHelp Dummy Main Page
Our iHelp volunteers offer a free service to members that is one of the best reasons for anyone joining the club. There is no reasonable limit to how much support you can get. The iHelp team have access to a vast amount of knowledge so can help to fix most common problems.
You can ask for help via Phone, or email. Most questions are resolved on the spot or within the day. Alternatively, you can often get immediate answers to your questions by posting in our member-only Google Spaces. Go to https://chat.google.com/a/melbpc.org.au and login with your username@melbpc.org.au and password.
This is telephone support for your computing problems. Call 03 9276 4088 at any time and leave your name, membership number and a brief description of your problem as a message. This phone line is not answered, but will send a voicemail to iHelp. iHelpers are generally available between 10:00am-3:00pm Weekdays & may include office or public holidays. Outside these hours your message will be logged for later follow up by the next rostered iHelp volunteer.
For those who can send an email from a device, a request for help with membership details can be sent to ihelp@melbpc.org.au. It is then logged to our Support Database where an appropriate iHelper will later follow up the inquiry. This is particularly useful if you wish to include screenshots or more detailed information about your particular issue.
This service is only for members who are restricted in their activities or mobility. This generally means those with a Commonwealth Age, War Veteran, Disability Pension, or Health Card, who cannot be helped by other means. The contact for Home Visit Assist is the Ph 03 9276 4088 or email ihelp@melbpc.org.au. If you can help with this program, please contact iHelp.
It is important to understand that in a commercial workshop the cost is usually minimised, because the technician manages several jobs at once and has full facilities at hand. With a commercial home visit the technician has to wait around while each process completes and may have to make further visits, therefore the effort including travel can be far greater. Professional home visits are rarely an economic solution unless the provider is known. We therefore encourage most members to use iHelp, SIG workshops or a local Computer shop for any repairs to their phones, tablets or computers.
The iHelp Team is always open to member volunteers with patience and experience in Computer configuration. Vast knowledge is not necessary to help with most members' problems. However, the ability to do internet searches is a wonderful asset when trying to solve a technology issue.
All correspondence including comments on this iHelp website should be addressed to ihelp@melbpc.org.au.